Williams' Wonderful World of Mathematics

It may be cold outside, but our brains are steaming from the work we are accomplishing, getting ready for the End of Course Exam……. Students have all the tools to make a good start at their encyclopedias, which are due at the beginning of May. Just remember, be prepared for my class and you will be highly successful!

Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to Williams' Wonderful World of Mathematics and thank you for visiting my site.  I am very happy to have you (or your child) in my class and look forward to a very successful school year.  I want to be certain that every child will be in a safe and secure environment.  Keeping within the rules and regulations that I have set will insure that kind of environment.  It is my goal for every student to feel comfortable in asking questions and participating without feeling anxious in front of his/her classmates.  You can find more information in my
syllabus; this will be sent home with students the first week of school.  If he/she joins me later, it will be given upon entering class.

Welcome to the world of the Casio Prizm! We have new technology!  Thanks to Mrs. Whitehead's approval to purchase our new Casio Prizms, all classes are able to complete their math exercises and check their answers using these fantastic calculators.  These are innovative and more versatile for every subject in mathematics, including college coursework.  They can also be updated with new operating systems that will keep them from becoming obsolete.  In order for students to become familiar with these calculators, I am asking them to take an online course.  Click on this link and see all that the calculator can do.  We also have the use of a Smart Board.  Students are utilizing this tool with me.  There is so much that can be done by having the capabilities of a computer at our fingertips.  Feel free to look at these pictures that I have added.

I found this site and was so excited about it that I had to share it with you.  Math TV is a web site with video tutorial sessions on specific concepts and skills.  There are four or five different instructors for each concept and one who conducts the tutorial in Spanish.  Click here or go to your study guide (see the toolbar above); you will find the instructions on how to successfully access this site.  And, this page, ACT Formulas, will definitely assist those who are studying for any standardized exam.  One of my colleagues was gracious enough to give it to me, so I am sharing it will all of you.

As  described on their web site, Space Math at NASA introduces students to the use of mathematics in todays scientific discoveries. Through press releases and other articles, it explores how many kinds of mathematics skills come together in exploring the universe.  How is mathematics used in science?  How does simple math help students to understand recent discoveries?  Where can educators find examples of worked problems in science and engineering?  To find the answers to these questions and to explore the site, click
here for an incredible visit to SpaceMath.  (Please note that by clicking on the link you will navigate out of Williams' Wonderful World of Math.) 

This year, I have assigned a major project to the Honors Algebra I classes.  Students are creating their own encyclopedias to be "published" and saved in the school library.  This assignment will be a major portion of their 4th quarter grade.  I have shared the design of the encyclopedia and what I am expecting.  Every concept from the school year will be included in this book.  I have created a Concept Page for students to follow; therefore, they will be able to create a page for each concept that I have listed on this page.  There is also an example of a sample from the encyclopedia.

Here is a practice test for the Algebra I End-of-Course Exam.  And here is the practice test for the 8th Grade TCAP.

I try to keep parents abreast of what is happening in the classroom.  This includes academics, as well as conduct.  Please, do not hesitate to phone me if you have any concerns or questions.  You can email or phone me at 901-416-2189, extension 80887.

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