Williams' Wonderful World of Math

Cordova Middle School
"Chasing Untamed Ideas
th Grade Mathematics – Williams
2012 - 13

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           August 6, 2012

Dear Student and Parent/Guardian,

            Thank you for the opportunity to work with you for this school year.  I know that with all of our good work efforts, it will be academically successful.  To guarantee that all students are given that opportunity, I am listed the following rules and regulations to create a safe educational environment that all students deserve.  Feel free to contact me with any questions about them, as I will contact you if there are any infractions during class.

  1. The student must bring all necessary materials to class every day.  This includes the textbook, which I hope to be distributing within the first two weeks of class.

  2. There will be various times during the class period when students can share and converse with their classmates.  Talking during class other than asking questions or directed group discussions is not permitted.

  3. Students are to be in their seats at the ringing of the class bell.  All pencils should be sharpened before class begins.  There is an electric pencil sharpener in the classroom.  Erasable pens are allowed.

  4. Sleeping or heads on desks will not be permitted.  I want full participation during class time.

  5. Combs, brushes, cosmetics, and mirrors are to left in pockets and purses.

  6. Students caught talking or looking at another student’s test or quiz paper will receive a “0” for that assignment.  Parents/guardians will be notified.

  7. Students must have homework ready at the beginning of class.  Except for excused absences, it will not be accepted for credit any other time.

  8. There is no eating or drinking during class.  This especially means gum chewing!

  9. Memphis City Schools’ policies will be strictly adhered to in my class.


Memphis City Schools Grading Policy – A = 100 – 93, B = 92 – 85, C = 84 – 75, D = 74 – 70 and F = 69 and below.


Participation will count for 25% of the grade.  Included in this are cooperative learning assignments, journal entries, and preparation for classroom lectures.  This includes having a notebook with paper.  Often students have a package of paper with no notebook to organize his/her notes.  Organization is a key tool for academic success.

Tests, Quizzes, and Alternative Assessment

A test and/or quiz will be given each week.  Make-up exams can be arranged for absences; please note that a deduction of one letter grade will be give to those with unexcused absences.  Tests are worth 100 points, pop-quizzes are worth 50 points, and homework quizzes are worth 25 points.  As part of the alternative assessment, a quarterly project will be assigned each grading period, as well as participation in mathematical games, and other student-created activities.  Tests/quizzes are worth 35% and alternative assessments are worth 30% of each quarter’s grade.  Please note- I often allow students a few days to submit a “late” project.  In this case, I will deduct five points per day.  (This does not include homework.)  In the same manner, I reward students for early submissions of major assignments.  If a student has an excused absence, there is no deduction for the assignment.  However, all work must be submitted within five days upon returning to class.


Homework is an important part of the curriculum and is worth 10% of the total grade.  It will be evaluated each day for completeness.  This includes copying the assignment properly and following directions for the assignment.  It will not be checked for accuracy at this time.  Partial credit will be given for partial homework.  Students have the opportunity to check their homework and to ask questions about the assignment at the beginning of the class period.  It is important that homework is checked; homework quizzes will be taken directly from these assignments.


Good attendance is mandatory for success in any subject.  In mathematics, a concept, or skill, is usually based on the understanding of previous knowledge.  Illness or other circumstances always occur during the school year; however, tardies, class cutting, and other unexcused absences will not be tolerated.  Attendance problems will lead to parent/guardian contacts.  Feel free to contact me if there are any questions about daily attendance.


  1. Three-ring loose-leaf binder.  No spiral notebooks.  This allows for papers to be returned to the notebook.
  2. Loose-leaf paper, college or regular rule
  3. Graph Paper with holes on the side so that it can be inserted into a three-hole binder
  4. Red pencil or pen – for homework corrections
  5. Scientific calculator – graphing would be nice for an extension of our lessons and (future) high school math classes; must include, sin, cos, and tan in the function keys.
  6. 12-inch ruler – preferably with holes, so that it may be stored in the three-ring loose-leaf binder
  7. Graph Paper
  8. Flash Drive
  9. One package “AAA” batteries
  10. One package of index cards
  11. Facial tissues

Parent Participation

I look forward to working with all of you and will be informed about progress eight times this year – quarterly report cards and quarterly progress reports.  Feel free to visit my website, http://sheilawilliams.synthasite.com for updates on homework, study guides, announcements, pictures from classroom activities, and necessary supplies.    I would be pleased for you to join us during class time.  This includes job-related discussions that are relevant to our course subjects.  Contact me when you are able to visit the class.  I will also contact you on a semi-frequent basis with phone calls and/or emails with daily grades.  I believe that a personal contact is the best connection that a parent can make with a parent/guardian.  These will include student progress, any deficiencies that may occur, and poor behavior.

I have discussed this syllabus with your child, but I would appreciate it if you would review all of this information with him/her before signing and returning the bottom portion of this form.  Your support is greatly appreciated.


Sheila Williams

Room M23

Ext. 80887


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Please sign and return this portion only

I have read and understood these requirements and reviewed them with my child.

Student’s signature _______________________________________________________________________________

Parent’s/Guardian’s signature _______________________________________________________________________

Parent’s/Guardian’s phone number ___________________________________________________________________

Parent’s/Guardian’s email address ____________________________________________________________________

Date ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




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